Friday, April 1, 2011

Single Girl Quilt Take 2

Finally got all my circles sewn together.  31 x 12 = 372.  Again, I was very systematic, sewing all A pieces to the B pieces, then the Cs to the Ds, until I finished.  Atta girl!

I had to end my systematic ways because I desperately wanted to see one square complete...

Then, I wanted to make two.

But I did go back to the methodical ways, cutting out all my brown inner and outer pieces and sewing the inner pieces on first.  These curves are much more time consuming than squares.  My goal is to finish piecing it together in the next seven days.  Goals are much easier to achieve when you set them!  
Thank you to all of you in blogland who help me keep working.  

Where was I this last month?  Why no blogs for a whole month?  I even missed Ten on Ten, which was so sad for me.  Was it because...

A) I spent a week in DC visiting family
B) Three family members came to stay with us for a week
C) Both of my sons got sick and spent time vomiting ON ME
D) My car broke down on the side of the road with a blown head gasket
E) Therefore, I spent a weekend in Grand Junction trying to find a new car
F) One of my students' father passed away
G) We decided to sell our house and began cleaning, photographing and packing
H) All of the above

Oh yes, standardized test fans, the answer is H) All of the above!  Crazy few weeks.  I have still been crafting, no doubt.  I could not live without.  But, somehow I wasn't able to actually get all those adventures on this blog.  April will hopefully be a more balanced month.  Here's hoping!


  1. What a crazy hectic March!

    Thanks for the cupcake recipe. I just made them and am waiting for them to cool so I can try one. They look pretty good so far!

  2. Hooray for cupcakes!
    And yes, April is bound to be smoother.


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